Saturday, January 31, 2009

DD-WRT for Airlink101 AR430W

The DD-WRT open source WiFi firmware works just great on the inexpensive---I have picked up a few of these routers for $15 on sale at Fry's---Airlink101 AR430W Wireless G router, but the standard instructions for flashing the DD-WRT firmware are slightly incorrect. Here is a corrected version.


Gopher Baroque said...

another flashing recipe is at:

Anonymous said...

Followed this, smoothly and successfully completed all the instructions, but after that, I can't open in browser. When I ping it, I can see the mix of live responses (in second), host unreachable, time out, general failure, etc. changes all the time.

GarryJones said...

Some please recommend which product I should pick among the ones listed on this site.